Within the Teaching Pyramid Framework, social and emotional competency development is the key focus. A large number of children will develop appropriate skills through the implementation and reflection of, and involvement in, Nurturing and Responsive Relationships and High Quality Supportive Environments alone. For many children, the skills will become part of their development and achieved accordingly. A number of children will require specific teaching for these skills to develop. All children will benefit from the intentional teaching of social emotional competencies. Some children will need it.
Intensive individualised interventions and instructions are used with children who have very persistent and severe challenging behaviour and do not respond to the typical preventive practices, child guidance procedures, or social emotional teaching strategies that would normally work with most children. Positive Behaviour Support planning is an approach for developing an understanding of why the child has challenging behaviour and teaching the child new skills to replace challenging behaviour.
Enjoy the links, resources, supports within this blogsite. Unless specified, the materials have been created, evaluated and researched through the Vanderbilt University in Florida, USA. For more information, and to attend the Teaching Pyramid training and mentoring within the Riverina Region, contact Sara Stockman, Teaching Pyramid Facilitator, KEIS, for training details.
02 69238400 sstockman@kw.org.au.